Bakery Style Chocolate Chip & Blueberry Muffins

So I’d been wanting to try these muffins ever since I saw those delightfully puffy muffin tops on I am a massive muffin maniac—they’re probably one of my all-time favorite breakfast treats. Then again, everything is my favorite (waffles, crepes, pastries. Don’t make me choose!).

Bakery Style Muffins

Anyway, I decided to deviate from my typical muffin recipe and try these out. They were wonderful! They use quite a bit more baking powder than most recipes, which really helped the muffins rise, making them soft and fluffy. If you have a jumbo-sized muffin tin, use that. These morsels are meant to expand.

While the original recipe suggests making chocolate chip muffins, I had fresh blueberries and decided to divide up the batter and make some with chocolate chips and a few with the blueberries. Again, I can’t just choose just one. 😛

Bakery Style Muffins

1 cup milk

1/4 cup vinegar

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 tbsp baking powder

1 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

3/4 cup granulated sugar

1/2 cup butter, melted

2 eggs

1 1/2 tsp vanilla

1 cup chocolate chips OR blueberries (or divide the batter in half and make both like I did!)

Preheat the oven to 425ÂșF and prepare a 12-cup jumbo muffin tin or 18-cup regular sized tin with cooking spray, butter or coconut oil.

Combine the milk and vinegar in a small bowl and set aside.

In a large bowl, mix together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and sugar. Then, add the eggs, butter, vanilla and the milk/vinegar. Mix everything together with a large wooden spoon just until combined. It should be a little lumpy.

Lastly, fold in your chocolate chips and/or blueberries.

Fill the muffin cups about 3/4 full.

Bake at 425ÂșF for 5  minutes (4 minutes if using regular sized tin). Then decrease the heat to 375ÂșF and bake for another 13 minutes (11-12 minutes for regular sized tin).

Brayden and I enjoyed our muffins with a hot mocha! Delightful ❀

Bakery Style Muffins

Launching a New Website (Psst! I want your submissions)

I’ve recently embarked on a new endeavor with the creation of a website called The MillĂ©naire. The project relies entirely upon the stories of individuals in their late teens, 20s and early 30s (i.e. young adults).

I would love to have your contribution. The more diverse the range of voices and experiences, the better. All submissions can be sent to You are free to submit anonymously, but for all of you fellow bloggers, this is also a great way to get your name and your own website out there. If you so choose, I will provide links to your blog/website and other social media information at the end of your entry.

To get a better sense of the mission of this project, here is the “About” page:

Meaning “millenial” in French, the MillĂ©naire is a place for camaraderie amongst young adults. We have our own sets of struggles and hardships that are often clouded by this need to portray our lives as perfect through social media, in front of acquaintances and even with our close friends.

In seeing the constant status updates and pictures that feign the seemingly perfect lives of others, we feel worse and worse about our own difficulties when, in truth, those around us may be experiencing similar feelings. We just don’t talk about it.

The MillĂ©naire is an experiment: It’s a place to build empathy between young adults and tell the stories we might not always want to talk about. My hope is that sharing our own experiences will not only help us embrace the ups and downs of our own lives, but help others as well.

Entries should be written primarily in a personal narrative format. E.g. “I felt like this
 I experienced that
 This or that thing happened to me

Posts can be as short or long as needed to tell your story.

Questions to get your ideas flowing:

  • What is the hardest aspect of being a young adult?
  • What’s the best part?
  • How do you usually occupy your day? (Be honest or silly here if needed; it’s okay to admit you surf the internet for hours or watch SpongeBob everyday).
  • Do you feel pressured to be at a certain point in your life, and you’re not there yet? (e.g. married or long-term relationship, stable career, “dream job,” house).
  • How did you handle a situation you weren’t expecting/ready for? (e.g. failure, job loss, pregnancy, death, illness, loss of friendship, break-up).
  • Do you feel like you still have opportunities on the horizon, or that they have already passed because you are now “grown up”?
  • Have you picked up any hobbies or new talents in your late teens, 20’s, 30’s? Things you had not learned in your childhood, but have always aspired to do.
  • Are you afraid of being “ordinary”?
  • What’s an obstacle you overcame and how did it help you? 


Thanks everyone, and happy writing.





I’m Thankful for Messing up the Pumpkin Pie

In light of the recent Thanksgiving holiday, I wanted to make a short list of things I am really, deeply grateful for.

(In no particular order)

My mom and grandmother for somehow making me laugh even though I messed up our only Thanksgiving dessert this year. Thank you both for still eating it and for being so sweet.


(Psst..the crust on the bottom didn’t cook all the way, so it still looks pretty).



My amazing family. We have our ups and downs, but we all genuinely love each other and put each other’s happiness above anything else. We’re threaded together so intricately nothing could ever pull us apart.

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My fiancĂ©, Brayden. I think about how lucky I am every day. I get to be with someone who loves me unconditionally–who just makes life so much fun. He’s like a bright shining star, filling this world with vibrance and color. Two weeks after we started dating, I knew I wanted to be with him forever. No question about it. That’s the level of his awesomeness.

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Books and podcasts. They refresh my ideas, knowledge and ways of thinking. They encourage me to keep questioning what’s happened in the past, what’s going on right now, and what might occur in the future. They teach me to keep my mind and heart open.

Current favorite books: Shanghai Girls and Dreams of Joy

Current favorite podcasts: Intersection and Reply All

My education: for opening up my world in ways I never imagined possible.

My freedom. I’ve thought about this one quite a lot lately, especially amidst so much oppression within the refugee crises and across the world. We may take for granted the little freedoms we have every day, but if I lost any of them, I feel like I might go crazy. Where I live, I am able to speak my mind, protest what I do not believe in, or change jobs and move to a new place (theoretically). I can choose who to love and who to marry (and when). I can build my own life the way I want to build it, and I do not have to fear for my life the moment I step out the door. So many people around the world lack these liberties, and to be able to sympathize with and understand others, I try my best to be grateful for the freedoms we’re able to enjoy.

This beautiful earth. Let’s do everything we can to protect it.

And of course, every single person who reads and supports this blog. You give meaning and life to something that means a great deal to me.

Thank you.

Creative Blogger Award

It’s another cloudy, cool day in Arizona. It looks like we’ve finally decided to get with the program and adapt to the fall weather. I’ve got my pumpkin pie latte from Dutch Bros., a cinnamon spice candle lit and a plushy crocheted blanket. Everything is in order, and life feels perfectly peaceful.

I know, I know, it’s super basic of me to like pumpkin spice drinks. I don’t care. I genuinely love pumpkin and I will milk this season for all it’s worth.

So, the lovely Alanna over at Alanna Bakes nominated me for the Creative Blogger Award quite a while back (yay, thank you!). What sweet, creative and unique ideas you can find on her blog. Check out her Flowerpot Bread post here.

Creative Blogger Award

The rules of the Creative Blogger Award:

⭐ Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their page

⭐ Share five facts about yourself

⭐ Nominate up to 10 other bloggers and provide links to their pages

The Facts:

1. I love to draw cartoons. I used to get in trouble for not paying attention in class because I was doodling some weird comic strip.

2. I won an award at a film festival in California for a music video I made in high school with my best friend, Sarah. The director of the event had found my video through a student filmmakers’ site and asked if he could enter it into the competition. It was held like two days later, so I had no way to go, but I got the award in the mail!

3. I love all dogs with smushed faces. They make me go EEEEP!!! and generally melt into a giant puddle of love. They are so dang adorable. Here are some mega cute puppies for your enjoyment.

4. I love anime. I’m mostly interested in dramas with very character-driven stories. Clannad, Kanon, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood and Toradora! are a few of my favorites.

5. Mundane fact: I absolutely cannot go to sleep without a cup of water next to the bed and the sheets pulled over my shoulders. Just a weird thing I can’t get over.

My nominations for the Creative Blogger Award are as follows:

Natascha’s Palace

Smiling Notes


Jane’s Patisserie

Ariel’s Cute Blog

You are all amazing in your own ways. ❀

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was recently nominated by Natascha’s Palace for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award. Natascha is a ridiculously talented cook (check out her “Fresh Strawberry Donuts”) and we’re lucky enough to have her share her delicious creations with us.


I can’t even begin to describe how honored I am to be associated with such an awesome award that recognizes female voices in the writing/blogging world. Our thoughts, feelings, and the things that excite us can reach people from across the world because we have this platform to put ourselves out there and encourage each other. I’m proud to be a part of that.

You guys are seriously amazing. The fact that I have viewers as well as fellow bloggers who pay attention to what I am doing is really cool. And I have learned so much from reading your blogs–I especially love how they open my eyes to new cultures, foods, ideas, personal triumphs and experiences from all around this crazy, wonderful, beautiful earth. The collaboration of ideas, comments and encouragement is what makes blogging so fun. So thanks to all of my readers (bloggers or not) for your support.

Now that I’m done being all sentimental (I tend to do that a lot), let’s get to the RULES of the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their site

Include the award logo in your post

Answer the ten questions given to you

Nominate seven more bloggers and let them know

Make up ten new questions for them to answer

And now, my answers:

1. On bad days, how do you cheer yourself up?

Whenever I need a pick-me-up or just want to unwind, I grab a good book, head to a coffee shop and stay for hours. This is probably one of my very favorite things to do; simply relax in a calm, peaceful atmosphere, slowly sip a hot drink and dive into a new world. Currently, I’m reading the Lord of the Rings series. Sometimes I’ll bring a sketchbook to draw or bring my laptop along to write. Without fail, I always feel happy and refreshed.

2. What is your favorite food?

This is such a difficult question because it changes almost monthly. Food is so good. I will always love crepes and cinnamon rolls, and lately I’ve been a bit obsessed with ramen (my boyfriend and I go out for ramen weekly).

3. How do you let go?

I let go by recognizing that it’s all about your attitude. I can choose to let this thing affect me, or I can choose to let it go. Things are only as bad as you make them in your head.

4. How much do you value “silence”?

Silence sits near the very top of things I value most. In a world where we are being constantly stimulated, there are rarely times where we stop to take a deep breath and just exist. I love my quiet time–in fact, it’s silent right now in my apartment and it feels wonderful. I also have a hard time focusing when there is too much noise, so I’m often seeking a quiet place.

5. Will you tell the truth to someone even if you know it will hurt them, or lie to make them feel better?

I’m a sugar-coater. I hate seeing people upset and I hate confrontation, so it’s hard for me to be blunt with people sometimes. However, if it concerns a matter where they really need to hear the truth for their own good or safety, I won’t hesitate to say what needs to be said. But often times, people just need to feel good and have a bit of encouragement. I think it’s okay to say things to lift someone up, even if you might personally think differently.

6. Do you have faith in humanity? Why or why not?

It really teeters back and forth with all of the chaos and the negative things going on, but there is too much good in this world to lose faith in humanity completely. There are too many genuine, goodhearted people out there contributing to this wonderful world and I think they’re much stronger than the bad stuff.

7. What is one thing you really wish would come true?

I wish I could make it so that everyone I love is always happy, taken care of and having fun in life. Also, I want to travel the world with my boyfriend, the love of my life, but we’re making that one come true together. ❀

8. How would you sum up your life in ten words or less?

Laughter, uncertainty, love, silliness–never growing up completely.

9. How do you express anger?

I’ve unfortunately got that hot-blooded Italian temper in my veins, but I’ll usually get it out by venting to someone I trust. Luckily my boyfriend thinks it’s cute when I get mad at generally pointless things, so I don’t feel as rotten when I start throwing pillows or something.

10. What is one thing that will completely turn you off about a person?

I cannot stand when someone treats you as if you are lesser than they are. Inconsiderate things like interrupting you or completely disregarding you when you speak.

Here are my seven nominations (no obligation to participate):


This Lucky Monkey

With All My Affection


Cooking With Team J

Marisa’s Italian Kitchen

Good Food Brain

Pam’s Yarns


And finally, my questions:

1. If you could live in any fictional world, where would it be?

2. Coffee or tea?

3. What is your favorite book series or geeky fandom (television/movies, included)? If you don’t have one, which one fascinates you or captures your attention most?

4. Do you have any phobias? If so, what are they?

5. Describe one of your funniest moments, or the hardest you’ve ever laughed.

6. What is one thing that can always make you smile?

7. What are your thoughts on fine arts education in schools (for kids aged ~6-18 years)?

8. Would you rather have more money or more time?

9. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?

10. If you could give a giant “thank you” to anyone in your life, who would it be and why?